The National Bank building is situated right in the Old Town area on the famous Lipscani street and it was built by French architects at the end of the 19th century.
Inside you will see thousands of valuable coins found on the Romanian territory, from coins made in the 6th century BC to special gold coins from the days of the Romanian monarchy or the rare coins issued during the Second World War and then confiscated by the Communist regime.
Besides this fascinating introduction into the history of money in Romania, you will get to see a room filled with around 70 kg of gold in the shape of coins and gold bars.
For the visit you must make a reservation 2 days in advance by email, but it is free and totally worth it.
Because it represented the most important institutions for the finances of Romania, this building was made to impress its visitos: the amazing imported marble, the gold leaf coverings, the details of its decorations and statues. But the main reason why we recommend visiting this museum is its incredible collection of coins, especially its gold coins.